Resolutions 2023
- Resolution 23-01 | ARP Fund Transfer
- Resolution 23-02 | PennDOT Systems Access
- Resolution 23-03 | Non-Zoning Appeal Fees
- Resolution 23-04 | Motorcycle Awareness Month Resolution
- Resolution 23-05 | Demofund - 401 N 3rd St.
- Resolution 23-06 | Regulated Rental Inspection Fee Update
- Resolution 23-07 | Remaking Our Westmoreland - A Plan for the Central Planning District
- Resolution 23-08 | Budget Modification of the FY 2020 CDBG-CV Competitive Program
- Resolution 23-09 | Revision - To The FY 2021 CDBG Program Year
- Resolution 23-10 | Playground Equipment and Park Improvements
- Resolution 23-11 | Approving Submission of the Category 4 Local Shares Assessment Grant
- Resolution 23-12 | Approving Submission of the Multimodal Transportation Fund Grant
- Resolution 23-13 | Authorizing The Submission of the FY 2023 CDBG Application
- Resolution 23-14 | The National Program for Minority and Women Business Enterprise
- Resolution 23-15 | Fair Housing Resolution
- Resolution 23-16 | Approving a Revision to the FY 2021 CBDG Program Year
- Resolution 23-17 | Approving the Submissions of the State Wide Local Shares Account
- Resolution 23-18 | Approving the Submissions of the State Wide Local Shares Account
- Resolution 23-19 |
- Resolution 23-20 | Approving a Revision to the FY 2022 CDBG Program Year
- Resolution 23-21 | Approving the Community Revitalization Partnership
Resolutions 2022
- Resolution 22-01 | Creditech Agreement
- Resolution 22-02 | ARP Fund Transfers
- Resolution 22-03 | Disposition of Records Schedule
- Resolution 22-04 | Disposition of Records List
- Resolution 22-05 | National Therapy Animal Day Proclamation
- Resolution 22-06 | Motorcycle Awareness Month Proclamation
- Resolution 22-07 | Commonwealth Financial Authority Application (Bridge Restoration Grant)
- Resolution 22-08 | Commonwealth Financial Authority Application (Demolition Grant)
- Resolution 22-09 | 2020 CDBG-CV Budget Modification
- Resolution 22-10 | Fair Housing Month Resolution
- Resolution 22-11 | Commonwealth Financial Authority Application (Bridge Restoration Grant)
- Resolution 22-12 | Commonwealth Financial Authority Application (Demolition Grant)
- Resolution 22-13 | Supply Purchase Credit Card
- Resolution 22-14 | Curb Cut Fee Update
- Resolution 22-15 | Fair Housing Resolution
- Resolution 22-16 | Statement of Goals MBE & WBE
- Resolution 22-17 | 2022 CDBG-CV Application Approval
- Resolution 22-18 | Multimodal Grant Application Approval (Bridges)
- Resolution 22-19 | Multimodal Grant Application Approval (Clay Avenue)
- Resolution 22-20 | Commercial Demolition Fee Update
- Resolution 22-21 | Disposition of Records & Exhibit
- Resolution 22-22 | FY 2022 CDBG Application Approval
- Resolution 22-23 | Multimodal Grant Application Approval (Clay Avenue)
- Resolution 22-24 | Multimodal Grant Application Approval (Bridges)
- Resolution 22-25 | Statewide Local Shares Account Grant Application Approval (Clay Avenue)
- Resolution 22-26 | Statewide Local Shares Account Grant Application Approval (Storm & Sewer Separation)
- Resolution 22-27 | Dodge Truck Purchase Agreement
- Resolution 22-28 | Water and Sewage Grant
- Resolution 22-29 | Revision to CDBG Application FY 2022 (Paving of School Street)
- Resolution 22-30 | Disposition of Records and Exhibit
- Resolution 22-31 | Tax Notice Compliance
- Resolution 22-32 | Home Depot Credit Card
Resolutions 2021:
- Resolution 21-01 | Approval for Credit Card Application
- Resolution 21-02 | Building Permit Fee Schedule
- Resolution 21-03 | PennDOT Maintenance Bond Approval
- Resolution 21-04 | John Howard Day Proclamation
- Resolution 21-05 | American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Transfer
- Resolution 21-06 | Business Registration Fee
- Resolution 21-07 | Credit Card Application Authorization
- Resolution 21-08 | 2021 CDBG Application Approval
- Resolution 21-09 | District Attorney Donation for Acquisition of a new Police K-9
- Resolution 21-10 | Fair Housing Resolution
- Resolution 21-11 | 2021 CDBG Application Approval - Revised
- Resolution 21-12 | Coach Roy Hall Day Proclamation
- Resolution 21-13 | Addition to Memorandum of Employment Compensation and Benefits
- Resolution 21-14 | Setting of Application and Other Fees
- Resolution 21-15 | Garbage, Recycling, Collection, Transportation, and Disposal Services Fees
Resolutions 2020:
- Resolution 20-01 | Bank Authorization
- Resolution 20-02 | Commercial Cardboard Collection Fuel Surcharge
- Resolution 20-03 | Census Day in City of Jeannette
- Resolution 20-04 | Emergency Proclamation
- Resolution 20-05 | Tax Deadline Extension
- Resolution 20-06 | Housing Consortium Cooperation Agreement
- Resolution 20-07 | Blight Remediation Program Grant
- Resolution 20-08 | CDBG-CV Application
- Resolution 20-09 | Fair Housing Resolution
- Resolution 20-10 | CDBG-CV Goal Statement
- Resolution 20-11 | CDBG-CV Application Submission Approval
- Resolution 20-12 | Westmoreland County CARES Act Application Approval
- Resolution 20-13 | 2017 CDBG-CV Program Revision Filing Approval
- Resolution 20-14 | 2017 CDBG-CV Program Modification Filing Approval
- Resolution 20-15 | Berkheimer Liaison Appointment
Resolutions 2019:
- Resolution 19-01 | Approval of the Elliott Group Sewage Facility Plan
- Resolution 19-02 | Support for the Westmoreland County Comprehensive Plan
- Resolution 19-03 | Acceptance of the MAWC Act 537 Plan
- Resolution 19-04 | Setting of Application and Other Fees
- Resolution 19-05 | Approval of the 2018 CDBG 400 Block Clay Avenue Street & Sidewalk Project
- Resolution 19-06 | Elliott Group Amended Conditional Use Application Approval
- Resolution 19-07 | Schedules and Procedures for Disposition of Records
- Resolution 19-08 | Disposition of Audio Meeting Minutes
- Resolution 19-09 | Flood Mitigation Grant Application $476,500
- Resolution 19-10 | Flood Mitigation Grant Application $481,000
- Resolution 19-11 | Acceptance of the Commonwealth of PA DOT Winter Services Contract
- Resolution 19-12 | Consolidation of the Recreation Commission's Duties
- Resolution 19-13 | Street Closing Permits and Fees
- Resolution 19-14 | Revision of the Community Development Block Grant 2016
- Resolution 19-15 | Submission of the 2019 Community Development Block Grant
- Resolution 19-16 | Fair Housing
- Resolution 19-17 | Garbage, Recycling, Collection, Transportation, and Disposal Services Fees
- Resolution 19-18 | Acceptance of Funding from the Westmoreland County District Attorney's Office
- Resolution 19-19 | Approval of the H2O Grant Application
Resolutions 2018:
- Resolution 18-01 | Approval of KeyBank as the City's Depository
- Resolution 18-02 | Appointment of the Liaison to Berkheimer, the Local Tax Collector
- Resolution 18-03 | Approving 5% Commission on Delinquent Collections
- Resolution 18-04 | Rescinding Resolution 16-09
- Resolution 18-05 | Termination for the Land Lease with Norfolk Southern Railway Company
- Resolution 18-06 | Conveying Certain Properties to the Jeannette Redevelopment Authority
- Resolution 18-07 | Amending Personnel Manual 2016 Relating to Protective Personal Attire
- Resolution 18-08 | Approval of CBA Teamsters Local Union 30 Streets and Sanitation
- Resolution 18-09 | Revision of all City Ordinances, Resolutions, etc. to Replace City Manager to City Clerk
- Resolution 18-10 | Public Right Of Way Use Agreement with Cougar Land Services LLC
- Resolution 18-11 | Approval of CBA Teamster Local Union 30 Administrative
- Resolution 18-12 | Amending Personnel Manual 2016 Relating to Sick Leave
- Resolution 18-13 |Flood Mitigation Grant Applications
- Resolution 18-14 |Fair Housing Resolution
- Resolution 18-15 |MAWC Authority to Enforce Stormwater Management
- Resolution 18-16 | Rental Inspection Fee reduced to $100
- Resolution 18-17 | Turnpike Interchange
- Resolution 18-18 | Drug Enforcement Grant
- Resolution 18-19 | 2019 MMOs
- Resolution 18-20 | 2018 MMOs
- Resolution 18-21 | Additional Pension Contributions
- Resolution 18-22 | CDBG YE 2018 Application
- Resolution 18-23 | 2019 Bank Depository First National Bank
- Resolution 18-24 | Program Revision of 2015 Fiscal Year CDBG
- Resolution 18-25 | Update Signing Authority for Invoices for the CDBG Program
Resolutions 2017:
- Resolution 17-01 | Comprehensive Plan of the City of Jeannette
- Resolution 17-02 | Housing Consortium Co-Op - HOME Program
- Resolution 17-03 | Flood Mitigation Grant Request
- Resolution 17-04 | CDBG - MBE/WBE Participation
- Resolution 17-05 | THTMA Act 537 Plan
- Resolution 17-06 | PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit Application
- Resolution 17-07 | EIP Grant Application
- Resolution 17-08 | Fair Housing
- Resolution 17-09 | Tax Office Fees
- Resolution 17-10 | CDBG Application 2017
- Resolution 17-11 | Adoption of 2018 Budget
Resolutions 2016:
- Resolution 16-01 | Early Intervention Program Grant Application
- Resolution 16-02 | Guidelines and Procedures for Public Comment
- Resolution 16-03 | THTMA Facilities Plan
- Resolution 16-04 | Designation of Agent for Disaster Assistance
- Resolution 16-05 | Fair Housing Resolution
- Resolution 16-06 | Municipal Property Tax Exonerations
- Resolution 16-07 | Special Library Tax Ballot Question
- Resolution 16-08 | Property Tax Exonerations
- Resolution 16-09 | Magee Avenue Parking Lot Rates
- Resolution 16-10 | 2016 CDBG Application
- Resolution 16-11 | Bond Resolution
- Resolution 16-12 | Capital Budget Creation
- Resolution 16-13 | CDBG Modification (FY 2013)
- Resolution 16-14 | Adoption of 2017 Budget
- Resolution 16-15 | Occupancy Inspection Fees
Resolutions 2015:
- Resolution 15-01 | Berkheimer Authorization
- Resolution 15-02 | Flood Mitigation Grant
- Resolution 15-03 | Health Services Authority - Bethlen Homes
- Resolution 15-04 | description
- Resolution 15-05 | Berkheimer Authorization
- Resolution 15-06 | TurnKey Taxes Authorization
- Resolution 15-07 | Berkheimer Authorization
- Resolution 15-08 | description
- Resolution 15-09 | description
- Resolution 15-10 | M-945-R PennDOT
- Resolution 15-11 | Berkheimer Authorization
- Resolution 15-12 | Dissolution of COJMA
- Resolution 15-13 | Adoption of 2016 Budget
Resolutions 2014:
- Resolution 14-01 | description
- Resolution 14-02 | Comprehensive Plan Application
- Resolution 14-03 | Fire Dept. Vacation Scheduling
- Resolution 14-04 | Housing Consortium Co-Op
- Resolution 14-05 | Revision to 2012 CDBG Budget
- Resolution 14-06 | Application for Flood Mitigation Grant
- Resolution 14-07 | PennDOT Electronic Access
- Resolution 14-08 | description
- Resolution 14-09 | PennDOT Snow Agreement
- Resolution 14-10 | District Attorney Agreement
- Resolution 14-11 | 2014 CDBG Application
- Resolution 14-12 | U.S. HUD Fair Housing
- Resolution 14-13 | 2015 TAN Loan
- Resolution 14-14 | D.R.O.P. Administration
Resolutions 1998:
- Resolution 98-01 | Approving The Community Development Program
- Resolution 98-02 | Issuance of Permits For Construction of Over-Head Banners
- Resolution 98-03 | Approving the Redevelopment Area Plan for the Central Jeannette Redevelopment Project and the Neighborhood Revitalization
- Resolution 98-04 | Jeannette Exonerating Taxes
- Resolution 98-05 | Approving Revisions to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan
- Resolution 98-06 | The Issuance of Permits for the Construction of Overhead Banners by Municipality
- Resolution 98-07 | Application for funding through the PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency
- Resolution 98-08 | Keystone Recreation Park and Conservation Fund
- Resolution 98-09 | Approving an Easement for the Maintenance of an Encroachment of Property
- Resolution 98-10 | Approving The City's Participation in a Rental Rehabilitation Program
- Resolution 98-11 | Easement for the Maintenance of an Encroachment of Property
- Resolution 98-12 | Execution of an Agreement
- Resolution 98-13 | Contingently Exempting Real Property Taxes
- Resolution 98-14 | Subzone of the Proposed Keystone Opportunity Zone for the City of Jeannette
- Resolution 98-15 | Adopting the Local Taxpayers Bill of Rights
- Resolution 98-16 | Approving the Change of Control of the Cable Communications Franchise
- Resolution 98-17 | Approving Loan to Sterling Lebanon Packaging Corporation