The City Treasurer Jake Milliron is an elected position and is responsible to the electorate for overseeing the custody of the City monies. The City Treasurer is authorized to be the collection agent for the City, County and School Real Estate and Per Capita Taxes.
The Treasurer's Office is also tasked with the distribution and collection of sanitation billing and payments.
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Phone Number: 724-527-4000 Ext: 14, 15 & 16
Property Tax Collector:
Jacob Milliron
Jeannette City Treasurer
110 S. 2nd Street
Jeannette, PA 15644
724-527-4000 x14 x 15 and x16
EIT/LST Tax Collector:
Berkheimer Tax Services
P.O. Box 25159
Lehigh Valley, PA 18002
Business Privilege/Mercantile Tax Collector:
Jeannette City Tax Office
110 S. 2nd Street
Jeannette, PA 15644
724-527-4000 x14 x 15 and x16
2025 Municipal Tax Rate Summary:
City Property Tax (35.62 mills):
- 29.23 - Real Estate - General Purpose (mills)
- 3.15 - Debt Service (mills)
- 1.24 - Library (mills)
- 1.50 - Street Lighting (mills)
- 0.50 - Recreation (mills)
Resident: (1.40%):
- 0.50% - Earned Income (Municipal) (percent)
- 0.50% - Earned Income (School District) (percent)
- 0.40% - Earned Income (Act 205) (percent)
Non-Resident: (1.0%):
- 0.50% - Earned Income (Home Municipality)
- 0.50% - Earned Income (Home School District)
- $5.00 - City Residence Tax
- $52.00 - Local Services Tax
- $300.00 - Mechanical Device Tax (per machine)
- .667 mills - Business Privilege Tax - Retail
- .667 mills - Business Privilege Tax - Other
- .500 mills - Business Privilege Tax - Wholesale
- 0.50% - Real Estate Transfer Tax
2024/2025 School District Tax Rate Summary:
School Property Tax:
- 89.00 - Real Estate - General Purpose (mills)
Homestead Exclusion:
- $482.83
- 0.50% - Earned Income (School) (percent)
- $10.00 - School Occupational Tax
- $15.00 - School Per Capita Tax
- 0.50% - Real Estate Transfer Tax (School)
2025 County Tax Rate Summary:
- County Property Tax (28.48 mills)
- 25.00 - Real Estate General Purpose
- 3.48 - Debt Service
Business Privilege and Mercantile Taxes are collected by the City Tax Office: 724-527-4000 Ext: 14, 15 and 16.
Delinquent City & County Property Taxes Collections are handled by Westmoreland County Tax Claims Bureau: 724-830-3428
Delinquent School Property Taxes Collections are handled by MBM Collections LLC: 412-242-9615 Ext: 204
Garbage Exoneration | You may have your Trash Bill exonerated by following the instructions listed here.
Water Billing and Sewage Billing for Jeannette is handled by the Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County: 724-755-5800