Compilation of relevant Police Pension Ordinances for the City of Jeannette

  • Ordinance 14-05 | D.R.O.P. Ordinance - Passed: 2014.07.09
  • Ordinance 06-01 | Direct Rollovers, Benefit Limitation, Survivor Benefit - Passed: 2006.04.04
  • Ordinance 04-12 | Redefining Average Compensation and Salary - Passed: 2004.10.13
  • Ordinance 04-10 | Limited Service Increment Increase - Passed: 2004.10.13
  • Ordinance 00-10 | Deletion, Revocation and Substitution of new Police Pension Plan - Passed: 2000.12.27
  • Ordinance 87-11 | Termination of Benefits for Widows Married After Retirement - Passed: 1987.09.16
  • Ordinance 81-10 | Appointing Pittsburgh National Bank as Trustee - Passed: 1981.09.16
  • Ordinance 70-04 | Description - Passed: 1970.02.25
  • Ordinance 68-03 | Description - Passed: 1968.05.15
  • Ordinance 67-08 | Description - Passed: 1967.11.01
  • Ordinance 66-09 | Disability and Survivor Benefits; Retirement Benefits - Passed: 1966.03.15
  • Ordinance 66-03 | Description - Passed: 1966.01.26
  • Ordinance 59-22 | Establishment of Police Pension Plan - Passed: 1959.12.17